Mike Arsuaga
author : Mike Arsuaga
Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Mike (his pen name of M.J. Segar for his Sci-Fi stories) completed careers in the United States Navy Submarine Force and the Transportation Security Administration. He lives in Orlando, Florida with wife and Editor-in-Chief Cynthia, daughter Jennifer, granddaughter Larrna, Fitzy, a Silky Terrier and his partner in crime Thumper, a Yorkshire terrier.\nMike’s extensive travels took him throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Middle East which provide accurate and vivid settings for all his stories. Although Mars figures prominently in at least one installment of The Progeny of Evolution series, he hasn’t been there yet. The trip is high on his “bucket” list.\nThe First Servant, re-released through I Heart Book Publishing, LLC under M.J. Segar is his first foray into the Steampunk genre. In this Science Fiction Romantic thriller, two civilizations reach out across time. For one, the past becomes the future. Jenny-Leigh 8 is the futuristic romantic action thriller of a recreational android demonstrating she’s more than another pretty face.\nMike and Cynthia have co-written two books, Top Dog and Love and Death in the Big Easy, chronicling the story of a special shapeshifter. Currently, they have adapted Top Dog into a screenplay for motion pictures or a television series.\nCheck out Mike’s Author’s page at:\nhttps://www.iheartbookpublishing.com/mike-arsuagam-j-segar.html.\nOther social media sites are Twitter.com/Leondegranz, and www.facebook.com/mike.arsuaga1 .\n